Every Bat Mitzvah Girl Should Visit Kever Rachel


Experiencing Bat Mitzvah

Bat Mitzvah girls from all over the world have already celebrated the greatest day of their young adult lives at Rachel's Tomb.

A Unique Experience

We celebrate the memory and legacy of Rachel’s Tomb by holding Bat Mitzvah celebrations with activities for all ages.


  • Dancing and enjoying music

  • Bat Mitzvah Refreshments

  • Baking and Separating Challah

  • Creating Gifts or Providing Meals for Soldiers

  • Sharing Bat Mitzvahs with Girls from families in need*

  • Lessons on History of Rachel Life

  • Reciting Tehillim and Praying

  • Tours of Kever Rachel

  • Exploring the connection we all share with our matriarch Rachel.

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