Support Kiruv at Kever Rachel

The Kever Rachel Heritage Fund is engaged in extensive kiruv activities among students, tourists, and soldiers. The volunteers of Kever Rachel Heritage Fund are inspired by the love that Rachel had for her people. This virtue is the basis for educating the public on the significance of this site. The soldiers who guard the tomb are major recipients of these activities and this is how we show our appreciation for their protection and sacrifice.

How We Give Back

  • Gift baskets for all the Jewish holidays

  • Holiday parties complete with food, song, and dance

  • Chanukah and Pesach items provided

  • Distribution of tehillim (psalms), siddurim (daily prayer books) and machzorim (holiday prayer books)

  • Celebrations for life changing events like bris (circumcision), bar or bat mitzvah, weddings, sheva bracot, and yarhzeit

  • Lectures and tours